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RTS Toolkit

Create real time strategy games easier. Use thousands of units, formations, multiple nations, diplomacies, economies, procedural terrains, forests, multiplayer and much more to create a world, which was never seen before!

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Bring thousands of visible animated 3D objects into your game. Bake your own models, render thousands of them, play with numbers, switch distances, movement, side by side comparison to achieve the best performance you need.

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Did you ever wondered how to create realistic tree geometries? Experience parameterised tree generation on just a single click and place them into a forest to create huge woodlands on large scale while keeping detail of a small scale.

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RTS Toolkit Free

Are you a beginner in game development? Want to find free solution or learn simple concepts? Then RTS Toolkit Free is for you! Experience simplest RTS battle creation with Unity cubes, easily see battle dynamics in unit colours.

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Tales of Eightrivers

Based on uRTS, compiled in WebPlayer and WebGL, adopted to Facebook, storage-free online scores, ads and in-game payment completely free, ToER game targets online and browser audience. Don't miss its early days!

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C# source. It's all yours.

Source code written in C#, allows clearance and easy modification. No dll needed, based on fundamentals, C# ensures that assets work through many generations of Unity. Find tons of examples how complicated situations are handled and how all cases work together to bring realism.

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Videos. See with your own eyes.

It is better one time to see than ten times to read. Published on YouTube, videos show how various features work, what are the most important parameters and what are easiest ways to reproduce realistic features.

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Demos. Try before you buy.

You can see as much as you like, but the real work starts when you start working with real things. We provide fully working demos to give you the opportunity to experience implemented features.

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